Saturday, April 6, 2013

Torn City Easter Egg Hunt 2013

Torn City Tip #6 - Take advantage of the Torn City Easter Egg Hunt and other Holiday Specials

The Torn City Easter Egg Hunt 2013 is being held from April 5th - April 30th.

The following bonuses apply upon clicking an egg:

Orange Egg +50 Tokens
Red Egg +10 Nerve
Green Egg + 50 Energy
Pink Egg + Level Exp
Yellow Egg + $100,000
Black Egg + Crime Exp
White Egg + 5 Points
Blue Egg + 250 Happiness
Brown Egg + 100 Job Stats (Endurance, Manual, or Intelligence)

Upon collecting/purchasing all 9 different colored eggs, you can trade them in for an honor bar (merit) and Gold Egg.

The eggs can also be eaten for 50 happiness.


Happy Hunting!

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