Collecting bounties placed on players can be a great supplement to your income. However, it's important to use caution before entering an attack to avoid wasting energy.
Torn City allows players to choose whether or not they would like to level up upon reaching the necessary experience limit. Because of this, many Torn City players purposefully hold back their level to mask their battle stats. This is an effective way of achieving the highly-coveted Defends Won medals:
There are 4 quick things to look for to help you identify a good bounty-target.
1.) Take a look at the target's profile. How many Defends Won medals does the player have? If a level 15 player has 10,000 defends, that should tell you something...
2.) Take a look at the target's property. Players with private islands are typically going to have more battle stats than players with lower properties.
3.) Look for Busting medals. Busting costs energy... energy that could have been used for battle stats. Therefore, the higher the busting medal, the lower the potential stats.
4.) Look at the player's age and last action. If a player is 2,000+ days old and the player's last action was 25 minutes ago, you could be in for trouble.
Some additional information on bounties:
- The cost of placing a bounty on an player is $10,000 x (player's level) with an extra 50% charge if you would like to place the bounty anonymously. A higher bounty can be placed on a target for no additional cost.
- Players often place a $10,000,000 bounty on a low level and quickly claim the bounty to get the Dead or Alive honor.
- According to the Torn Wiki page, you can only set a maximum of 10 bounties per target.
- Bounties can be collected when traveling abroad.
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