Sunday, June 9, 2013

Trading Energy for Money

Torn City Tip #10 - Trade Energy for Money by Purposely Losing Attacks
(Updated 12/16/14)

There are several awards related to successfully defending against attackers and attackers successfully running away from battles. These awards typically take a while to obtain... so higher level players will often pay other players to attack them and lose. This practice is commonly known as "slutting" and has a special place on the forums. (Critical hits and kill streaks are also accumulated from these attacks)

Typically, a "slut-attack" is worth anywhere from $250,000 - $400,000 per attack and is a great way for lower level characters to gain some quick start-up cash.

To maximize your earnings-potential, I recommend taking a Xanax and making your "slut" attacks in groups. Since a recent Torn update lowers the amount of energy consumed per attack from 50 down to 25, those with donator status can achieve 6 attacks with a full 150 energy bar. 6 attacks should easily bring in $1,500,000.

Furthermore, when the Torn staff makes a major rollback to the site and/or fixes a glitch, there is a history of players being compensated with large sums of energy. Also, check your e-mail around Christmas & Easter for something sent from George w/ Torn City as there is often a "gift" of several hundred energy in the form of a clickable link from Torn staff. Utilizing these big seasonal energy boosts can net you an easy $5,000,000 from slutting.

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